Movie fans in the 60's in Miri would probably used the service of one popular guy called Dol.
He was our hero as he could help us buy tickets. We rural boys did not have the ways to manouvre into the front to get the best of the cheapest tickets. But Dol could.
For several years whether it was a day show or late night show my school mates and I would look out for Dol. Dol would always be so willing to help . But at times the cinema was really full. Perhaps some of us did manage to sneak in and avoided all those searching flash lights of the ticket checkers.
I have fond memories of Pak Cik Dol because I was such a small kid I was often squeezed out of the line for the tickets. Or if I finally managed to come to the box office somehow there would have been too many hands jamming into the opening. I hurt myself several times that way. So Dol's presence at the Miri Theatre was always such a welcoming moment for me.
I never knew if Pak Cik Dol enjoyed the movies as much as we did.
In later years I would meet him in Bekenu where he lives with his son. He has been a broker of some sorts. Enterprising as he always has been he knows how to make a living even at his age. It is good that we can meet up and I can continue to call him pak cik Dol. Although when we were younger as small kids we're just too happy to call "Dol" who was not very much older than us actually. Pak Cik Dol frequents the coffee shops in Miri but he likes Fortuna Coffee Shop best. That's where I have managed to say hello to him and buy him a drink several times.
He looks awfully swanky with his cap on . I met him this morning at the Fortuna Coffee Shop and we shared a cuppa and talked about old times.