Thursday, May 24, 2007

Abdullah Noor

Abdullah Noor hails from Kampong Sekolah,Limbang and was registered as a student in 1961. by that time I was in Form One and already three years in TLS. Thus we became friends and form mate in Miri. We struck off well together as we shared the same background in Limbang.

Being of Arab descent, he was tall for his age. He was fair as I was dark. He was like the day and I was like the night, when we kids became poetic as we gradually read more and more.

In later years we were to enjoy books from the library like the Prince by Marchiavelli, Twelfth Night and Mid summer Night's Dream and The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare amongst all the other classics. I remember Baijuri and Philip Assan being the best readers amongst us and they could quote chunks and chunks from these books to the envy of many.

Because we did not have other diversions (no tv, no radio even, no newspapers) we spent most of our time reading and entertain each other by quoting the classics.

Abdullah Noor remained a "brain" amongst us and it was no wonder that he became one of the first non Chinese engineers in Sarawak.

1 comment:

cherry blossom said...

I remember him with his Arabic features.