Tuesday, May 8, 2007

those who stayed only two years

These seniors stayed until 1958 December.

Anyi Kebing,Duit Rut, Imang Anyi,Ismail bin Bollah, Jok Wan, Lain Uking, Meran Savang,John Babu,Edward Lani,Purait Budi,Awang bin Pengiran Tangah,Mat Jaafar bin Matabib and Abdullah bin Drahman

When the school first started it was first near the present site of Mega Hotel. Miri was just a little town with perhaps less thasn 20 cars and 30 shops.

The mosque was a beautiful old, wooden building that looked very grand to the eyes of a small boy. There were lots of coconut trees and I remember the roads being just big enough for some bicycles and other small vehicles.

Most of us walked....and walked and walked....but it was not tiring to walk then because Miri seemed to be cooler at that time.

More later.

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